The Crypto Markets Today

Select from 80+ cryptocurrencies available on Nexo – buy at excellent market prices and start earning crypto interest, paid out daily.

Get the Most Out of
Your Crypto with Nexo

Earn Interest

Earn daily compounding interest on your BTC, at industry-leading rates with our Earn on Crypto suite.

Exchange Seamlessly

Swap any asset for BTC with lightning speed and no price fluctuation on Nexo’s Crypto Exchange.

Borrow Instantly

Borrow funds from 0% APR without selling your BTC with Nexo’s Instant Crypto Credit Lines.

Spend without Selling

Spend the value of your Bitcoin without selling it, using the world’s first BTC-backed credit card.

Boost Your Position

Borrow funds and exchange up to 3x more BTC to grow your position with the Nexo Booster.

Send Bitcoin

Make free, instant BTC transfers to all your friends, family or colleagues as long as they have a Nexo account.

Open Your Nexo Account Today

Buy, earn, swap, and borrow against your crypto on Nexo.

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