Enjoy exclusive privileges and better rates with the Nexo Loyalty Program.
The NEXO Token is our native cryptocurrency which brings token holders numerous benefits on our platform.
Holders receive up to 12% annual interest on the NEXO Tokens held in both the Savings and Credit Line Wallets of their Nexo accounts.
Also, holding NEXO Tokens and maintaining an account balance above $5,000 worth of digital assets makes you a part of the Nexo Loyalty Program, which gives you:
Read more about our Loyalty Program and the perks of our native token in our Help Center.
You can swap your existing assets for NEXO Tokens for stablecoins or cryptocurrency through the Nexo Exchange. For a detailed step-by-step guide, visit our dedicated NEXO TokenHelp Center article.
Yes, all NEXO Tokens used as collateral will also earn interest if you’ve opted in for earning interest via your Nexo account and maintain an account balance of at least $5,000 worth of digital assets.
It doesn’t matter if your tokens are in your Credit Line or Savings Wallet as long as they are in your Nexo account.
Please note that this is not a top-up address. If you want to transfer funds to your Nexo account, refer to this Help Center article.
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