The Nexo Booster Is Now Available on Our Web Platform
Aug 18, 2022•2 min read

А good number of industry-firsts have taken front row seats in our product line-up, the Nexo Booster being one of them. Driven by the fascinating dynamics of the crypto world we meet head-on the demand for a greater financial future one innovation at a time, but we don’t stop there. Every new product bears the question of getting even better with time and that is what’s happening with the Nexo Booster¹. The leverage functionality is now available on our web platform together with an improved interface. Yes, the Nexo Booster got boosted, alright.
The Nexo Booster and Where to Find it on Our Web Platform
For those of you who are new to the leverage side of crypto, the Nexo Booster allows buying up to 3x the amount of the asset you got your eyes on without allocating additional funds. This is all possible thanks to the hybrid nature of the product that shares identical features with both the Nexo Exchange and the Instant Crypto Credit Lines. The result – an automatically executed borrow and exchange transaction with no price slippage and time saved.
For a comprehensive walkthrough of the Nexo Booster functionality and use cases, click here.
As we introduce the Nexo Booster on our web platform we are keeping the tried-and-tested user experience and building a new interface on top to make the whole process more intuitive. Upon selecting Exchange from the menu the Nexo user will now see the following tabs: Convert, Buy with Card², and Booster. The Convert tab is where you go to swap and sell your assets for another. To purchase crypto instantly you go to the Buy with Card tab, so if you want to add to your portfolio, make sure you stop here first. The third tab unlocks the enhancive power of the Nexo Booster.
How to Boost your Portfolio
Watch the video and follow the simple steps to ensure a smooth booster experience.
Following Nexo’s security-first business model all issued loans, including those from Booster transactions, are overcollateralized. This means your credit line is fully backed and can be rebalanced automatically. By doing so, we continue to provide stellar lending services and secure our clients’ funds at the same time.
As we continue to build upon our robust business offering our mindset remains the same — equip you with all the needed tools to turn your desire for financial freedom into reality.
¹Currently excluded from Nexo’s Nexo Booster product per the Nexo Services General Terms and Conditions, the Nexo Crypto Credit General Terms and Conditions, and the Nexo Exchange Service General Terms and Conditions, as amended on occasion, are citizens or residents of Bulgaria, Estonia, the United States of America, Canada and Australia, as well as of other jurisdictions subject to certain limitations or restrictions as may be applicable at times. ²The “Buy with card” option is available for citizens of the following countries.