购买 Ethereum。

轻点几下即可购买 ETH。 使用信用卡、借记卡或银行转账购买。

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1 ETH1,907.48 USD *
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Ethereum (ETH) 价格表现。

当前 Ethereum 价格为 $1,907.48,在过去 24 小时内,其价值变动了 0.58%. Ethereum 市值排名第 2。 Ethereum 是一种去中心化货币,无需依赖传统货币体系即可进行卖和兑换。

What Is Ethereum?

Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain platform that enables developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) on top of its blockchain. Launched in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum has become one of the most popular blockchain platforms in the world, thanks to its robust ecosystem, active community, and innovative features. Ether (ETH) is Ethereum's native cryptocurrency and serves multiple purposes on the platform. It can be used to pay gas fees on the Ethereum network and as a means of participating in the platform's governance system. Two of Ethereum's most important characteristics are its interoperability and scalability. The former refers to Ethereum's ability to connect and communicate with other blockchain networks and platforms, which allows for greater functionality and compatibility. Scalability, on the other hand, refers to Ethereum's ability to handle large volumes of transactions and data without compromising its performance or security. In September 2022 Ethereum went through a major upgrade called The Merge, dubbed one of the most significant upgrade events for the industry because of its complexity. It involved the transition from the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm to a more efficient Proof-of-Stake algorithm, with the purpose of reducing energy consumption, further improving scalability, and increasing security. Consequently, that mandated validation of the transactions on Ethereum to happen through the act of staking rather than mining. Although much awaited, the Merge is just the beginning of a series of major updates Ethereum has to undergo in order for Vitalik’s vision to be completed.

优化所持 Ethereum 价值。

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在 Nexo 加密货币交易所,以固定价格将资产交换为 ETH。
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Credit Line

借款利率 2.9% 起,无需卖出 Ethereum。
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Nexo Card

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Ethereum 转账

免费向家人好友进行 Ethereum 转账,前提是他们拥有 Nexo 账户。

3 步购买 ETH.


1. 选择资产


2. 输入数额


3. 完成购买

预览交易详情,然后确认购买。 就是这么简单!
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为什么选择在 Nexo 购买 Ethereum?

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用银行卡或通过银行转账购买 ETH,可享加密货币返现。
two coins with arrows


获取 10 大交易所中具有竞争力的价格。
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在 Nexo,Ethereum 购买问题全解答。

如何用银行卡购买 Ethereum?

直接使用信用卡或借记卡购买 Ethereum,也可使用与 Apple Pay 或 Google Pay 关联的银行卡进行购买。

如需详细了解如何用银行卡购买 Ethereum,请访问帮助中心专题文章

如何通过银行转账购买 Ethereum?

用户可通过银行转账的方式,从当地银行进行充值。 欧元和英镑转账很快到账,美元电汇一般最多 2 个工作日到账。

资金到账后,前往 Nexo 应用程序内的“Exchange"标签页,将到账资金交换为所需数量的 ETH 即可。

如何在购买 ETH 时赚取加密货币返现?

如要在购买 ETH 时获得加密货币返现,账户中数字资产余额价值需超过 $5,000。 所获具体金额取决于用户忠诚度等级。

若想获得最高加密货币返现,需保持账户中数字资产余额价值超过 $5,000,且达到铂金忠诚度等级。投资组合中 NEXO Token 与其余资产的比率至少达到 10% 即可成为铂金等级用户。


Nexo 如何管理我的 ETH?

我们采用 Ledger Vault、Fireblocks 等多个托管平台,以实现托管基础设施多元化。 此外,我们还提供:

  • 256 位强加密和欺诈监控机制,确保资金安全完整。
  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013 认证的信息管理系统。
  • 客户关怀团队提供超标准个性化服务,全天候随时响应。



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