Join the Hunt for $12,114,247

in Nexo Tokens1

Get points when you buy crypto, swap, top up, and more — then turn them into NEXO Tokens. Boost your points with multipliers to win big.

Tick Tock. Time Left:

d h m s

Get Rewards Across
the Nexo Product Suite

See the list of eligible actions that can get you points.

Fund Your Account

Activity Points Earned Transaction Type

Top Up Assets3

0.01 points

For each $12 funded

Top Up BTC

0.001 points

For each $12 funded

Buy Crypto

0.06 points

For each $12 purchased

Successful Verification

10 points


3Internal transfers of crypto assets are excluded from point collection.

2As per the applicable platform conversion rate at the date and time of the transaction.

Borrow Funds

Activity Points Earned Transaction Type


0.09 points

For each $12 borrowed


0.12 points

For each $12 borrowed

4Only valid for new loans made during the campaign period.

2As per the applicable platform conversion rate at the date and time of the transaction.


Activity Points Earned Transaction Type

Fixed Term

0.001 points

For each $12 in term

Dual Investment

0.06 points

For each $12 invested

2As per the applicable platform conversion rate at the date and time of the transaction.


Activity Points Earned Transaction Type

Swap5 & Target Price Swap

0.04 points

For each $12 exchanged

Crypto Bundles

0.08 points

For each $12 purchased


0.15 points

For each $12 boosted

Open Futures Position

0.001 points

For each $12 in volume

5Swap pairs with NETH will be excluded from generating points.

2As per the applicable platform conversion rate at the date and time of the transaction.

Nexo Card

Activity Points Earned Transaction Type

First Virtual Card Activation

10 points


Debit Mode Purchase

0.03 points

For each $12 spent

Credit Mode Purchase

0.03 points

For each $12 borrowed

2As per the applicable platform conversion rate at the date and time of the transaction.

Collect More Points with Multipliers

5x New User

Fund your account for the first time and take advantage of a 5x bonus multiplier until the end of the campaign.

1.5x Weekly

Start early and stack the weekly 1.5x multiplier with other multipliers to claim extra points.

Weekly Multiplier:

Week 1
(May 8 - May 15)
Week 2
(May 15 - May 22)
Weeks 3-4
(May 22 - June 5)
Weeks 5-8
(June 5 - July 7)
No multiplier

2x Loyalty

Depending on your Loyalty Tier, you are eligible for up to 2x bonus multiplier until the end of the campaign.

Loyalty Multiplier:

No Multiplier

Tips to Gain Maximum Points

Step Ahead 

Kickstart your journey with a 15x Multiplier on your points! Join as a new user, fund your account in the first week, and reach Platinum Tier to unlock this benefit.

Get Started 

Take advantage of the 5x New User Multiplier by funding your account for the first time.

Reach Platinum

Maintain at least 10% NEXO Tokens against the rest of your portfolio balance and enjoy 2x Multiplier with Platinum.

Start Early

Join the hunt as soon as possible to take advantage of up to 1.5x Weekly Multiplier.

Actions to Keep In Mind

Activity Points Lost Transaction Type

Withdrawing Assets

-0.01 Points

For Each $1† Withdrawn

Withdrawing BTC*

-0.001 Points

For Each $1† Withdrawn

*The point balance will become negative if the first transaction starts with a withdrawal.

†As per the applicable platform conversion rate at the date and time of the transaction.


How long will the NEXO Hunt last for?

How can I participate in the NEXO Hunt initiative?

How is the 10,000,000 NEXO Token reward distributed?

How do I qualify for the New User Multiplier?

How do I qualify for the Weekly Multipliers?

How do I qualify for the 2x Loyalty Multiplier?

Are there any actions that don't qualify for multipliers?

What is the 2x Boost Multiplier?

When is the best time to fund my account and get the most points?

Can I earn points on all types of transactions?

Can I lose points for certain transactions?

Is there a limit to how many points I can earn?

Do points expire, or can I accumulate them indefinitely?

How can I claim my NEXO Tokens?

Join the Hunt for $12,114,247 in NEXO Tokens1

Download the Nexo app and opt in to participate from the Reward Center.