November AMA Recap: Nexo’s Community-Driven Product Roadmap
Nov 25, 2023•3 min read

The Nexo AMA has always been a centerpoint for us and our community – a testament to the collaborative spirit between the Nexo team and the diverse community of crypto enthusiasts and investors. Which is why we took the time to revamp our signature ask-me-anythingsessions and ensure we dedicate enough time and effort to our loyal client base.
When it came to choosing the topic, we doubled down on what our community remarked, prompting us to present the Nexo Community Driven Product Roadmap for this November AMA edition. It’s no easy feat navigating everything our team is working on and how it aligns with our industry’s development, but thankfully Nexo Co-Founder and Managing Partner Antoni Trenchev was joined by the company’s Chief Product Officer, Elitsa Taskova to answer it all for our community.
But There’s More! The AMAs Are Getting a New Host
Starring for the first time in the November AMA edition, our very own Public Relations Manager Magdalena (“Magy”) Hristova joined Antoni and Elitsa in answering a few of your questions. The reason? Well, as much as Antoni truly loved running our sessions, he will be focusing on his mission to bring Nexo’s services to clients all over the world, while Magy will be taking over to address any client queries.
You may not have seen much of Magy just yet, but you’ve definitely heard from her: She has been with Nexo since 2019, and knows the ins and outs of the company. She is also the gentle voice behind many of the news and announcements you've read over the years, and the powerhouse of our new podcast – the Social Block.
P.S: We know our AMA’s nickname was “The AAA” (Ask-Antoni-Anything), but we’re happy to announce that the session will henceforth be once again known as “The AMA” (Ask-Magy-Anything), eliminating any future acronym confusion.The AMA RecapWith these introductions addressed, it’s time to recap the main points in this revamped November AMA – in case you missed it, read on or watch the full video below.
- Cryptocurrency Landscape Insights
It kicked off with a question towards Elitsa on the possibility of additional assets in Nexo’s popular “All You Can Earn” beyond the stablecoins available, prompting our CPO to share her insights on the stability of stablecoin rates and the strategic decisions behind rate adjustments for Bitcoin and Ethereum. Needless to say, Elitsa loves to delve in the nuances of interest rates, asset offerings, and the vision for Nexo's future developments.
- Strategic Initiatives and Global Expansion
Diving into a matter of overwhelming interest for our community i.e. the potential for direct salary deposits and direct debits for the Nexo Card revealed Nexo's strategic initiatives to expand its capabilities. Antoni emphasized the significance of geographic diversification, hinting at the company’s future expansions into Latin America and Southeast Asia, as well as a few exciting products in the making.
- Product Development and User Experience
Always the one to highlight the social aspect of Nexo products, Magy talked about our relentless pursuit for a seamless, intuitive UI/UX design and product development, shedding light on Nexo's dynamic approach to refining the user interface. Antoni chipped in too with a cultural perspective, highlighting plans for customization based on user preferences.
Additionally, Elitsa unveiled recent cryptocurrency integrations, outlining future plans and emphasizing support for various networks and new trading opportunities.It was an enthusiastic session that concluded with a fascinating glimpse into Nexo dynamic product offering and future. The recently introduced Futures Trading and Trigger Swaps are mere steps towards establishing Nexo as a comprehensive platform that extends beyond traditional crypto services. It is these user-centric enhancements in the ever-evolving crypto landscape that signal our commitment to remain at the forefront of the crypto industry.